How Do I Upload?

You will see the 'Create' button in the top navbar allowing you access to upload functions.

Direct Upload

The 'Direct Upload' of an MP4 file does not guarantee that you are using a codec compatible with the current browsers and you will only have the resolution sent from the file. The file remains in its native format and eVideo-Box does not process it in any way. We will just host it for you. It is very common to see directly uploaded files fail on some devices like mobile or in some browsers. Especially if the user downloaded the file elsewhere and knows nothing about how it was encoded. There are lots of badly encoded videos on the internet that may play on your hardware but not on other peoples. This results in complaints from users assuming it is a fault with the platform. Please bare this in mind when uploading. We expect channel owners to have basic knowledge of video resolutions and how videos are encoded if you are going to use this function. Our encoders guarantee your file will play on any machine and any hardware, worldwide.

Upload Encoder

We have 2 encoder servers to choose from. Click on ‘upload files’ then complete the title (if different from the file name) and description, choose ‘MP4’ or any format (if those options are available) you want to use and then click ‘Start upload’ and the system will do everything else for you and offload the video on to the site when everything is complete. Once the upload process completes and the encoding starts, or it is queued, you can leave the encoder page and go back, or come back later. The video encoders have been fixed if you were having problems with it previously. The encoder also converts live streams into videos and comments.

Try and keep your titles clean please because their really isn't any need for strange characters in your title as it may impact your search results. You may use emoji/emoticons in titles.

We do have an experimental importer that allows users to import videos from various platforms, but we feel it is open to abuse and may not be implemented into our platform permanently. If it is in use, please note that it isn’t a permanent feature and is probably there for testing and development purposes.

For upload rules click here: